What is Application Security?

Effective Security Testing Safeguards your Applications from Cyber Threats & Vulnerabilities

Armorize’s Application Security Testing helps you detect application vulnerabilities, provide full coverage for Web and Mobile application infrastructure and online services, and reduce risks to meet regulatory compliance requirements. Our Application Security Methodology extends beyond scanning software detection to identify and prioritize the most vulnerable aspects of your online application, as well as come up with practical Solutions.

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Web Application Penetration Testing Methodology

With years of experience across application threat surfaces such as online, mobile, and cloud, Armorize provides on-premises and off-premises application security services with the below roadmap:

Armorize is a CERT-In EmpanelledSecurityAuditor

We Comply with all the Top IT Security Testing Guidelines

Industry ‘s Best Security Standards

Our team of Professional Experts employs best-in-Industry security standards including

OWASP Secure Coding Guidelines

The Open Web Application Security Project is an online community dedicated to the creation of free, open-source publications, documentation, tools, and technologies in the field of Web application security.

OWASP Secure Coding Checklist are

  • Input Validation
  • General Coding Practices
  • Authentication and Password Management
  • Output Coding
  • Access Control
  • File Management
  • Database Security
  • Memory Management
  • Session Management
  • Cryptographic Practices
  • Error Handling and Logging
  • Communication Security
  • System Configuration

SANS25 Secure Coding Guidelines

A well-known compilation of the most frequent security vulnerabilities found in all types of systems, with the goal of installing security into every developer’s head.

  • Out-of- Bounds read and Write
  • Improper Authentication
  • Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
  • Null Pointer Dereference
  • Improper Control of Generation of Code
  • Improper Certificate Validation

High Level Test Cases

Black Box Assessment

    • Cryptography
    • Information Gathering
    • Configuration Testing
  • Data Validation Testing
  • Deploy Management Testing

Grey Box Assessment

    • Identify Management Testing
    • Authentication Testing
    • Authorization Testing
  • Session Management Testing
  • Input Validation Testing
  • Business Logic Testing

Security Testing Methodology


One of the most important tasks in an application pen test is reconnaissance, often known as information gathering. In a web application penetration test, the initial phase is all about gathering as much information as possible about the target application. Few examples of testing: Conduct Search Engine Reconnaissance and Discovery for Information Leakage, Search Engine Recon, App Enumeration, and App Fingerprinting Determine the app’s entrance point.


Understanding the deployed configuration of the server/infrastructure that hosts the web application is almost as important as performing application security testing. Although application platforms are diverse, several fundamental platform configuration issues, like how an unsecured program can compromise the server (insecure HTTP methods, old/backup files), can endanger the application. Few examples are – TLS Security, App Platform Configuration, File Extension Handling, and Cross Site Tracing. HTTP tight transport security, HTTP methods, and file permissions are all tested.


The process of attempting to validate the digital identity of a communication’s sender is known as authentication. The log on process is the most common example of such a procedure. Understanding how the authentication process works and using that knowledge to defeat the authentication mechanism is what testing the authentication schema entails. Few examples are – Poor lockout mechanism, bypassing authentication schema, browser cache weakness, and weak authentication in alternative channel.


The set of all controls managing the stateful interaction between a user and the web application with which he or she is interacting is known as session management. This includes everything from how users are authenticated to what occurs when they log out in general. Few examples are – Session Fixation, Cross-Site Request Forgery, Cookie Management and Session Timeout, and Logout Functionality Testing.


Authorization is a step that follows successful authentication; therefore, the pen tester will confirm this after confirming that he or she has legitimate credentials that are associated with a well-defined set of roles and privileges. Few Examples are Directory traversal, privilege escalation and bypassing authorization controls, and insecure direct object reference. Understanding how the authorization process works and exploiting that knowledge to go around the authorization system is what authorization testing entails.


“Think outside of the box” a type of vulnerability is not detectable by a vulnerability scanner and relies on the penetration tester’s expertise and skills. Furthermore, this type of vulnerability is usually one of the most difficult to detect because it is application specific, but it is also one of the most harmful to the program if exploited. Few Examples are – Integrity checks, process timing, upload of an unexpected filetype, and the ability to forge requests.


Client-side testing is concerned with the execution of code on the client, which is usually done natively within a web browser or a browser plugin. The execution of code on the client side differs from the execution of code on the server and the subsequent return of content. Few Examples are – JavaScript execution, client-side URL redirection, cross-origin resource sharing, and manipulation.


A denial of service (DoS) attack aims to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource. Denial of service (DoS) attacks have traditionally been network-based, in which a malicious user floods a target system with enough traffic to render it unable to serve its intended users. This phase of. testing will concentrate on application layer attacks on availability that can be carried out by a single rogue user on a single system.


The goal of the reporting step is to deliver, rank, and prioritize findings, as well as to provide a clear and actionable report with supporting evidence for project stakeholders. This is the most critical phase for us at Armorize, and we take great care to make sure we’ve clearly explained the value of our service and discoveries.

Tools Used

We use industry benchmark security testing tools across each of the IT infrastructure as per the business and technical requirements.
Below are few from many of the tools we use:

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through the FAQs given below to find answers to the commonly raised questions related to the VAPT services

This testing should be done on a regular basis to ensure more consistent IT and network security management by demonstrating how newly hackers could exploit newly discovered threats or emerging vulnerabilities.

Application testing is a sort of software testing that identifies system flaws and involves security concepts such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, and Availability.

The timeline of vulnerability assessment and penetration testing depends on the type of testing and the size of your network and applications.

Authentication, authorization, encryption, logging, and application security testing are all examples of application security features. Developers can also use code to reduce security flaws in applications.

For efficient security design, it relies on the five Fundamentals. It needs to be able to identify threats, correlate data, and enforce regulations over a distributed and dynamic network.

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