Cross Platform Mobile App Development – React Native & Flutter

Lower your Time to Market without Compromising on User Experience

We build engaging and intuitive cross-platform mobile apps with up to 50% reduction in time to market without compromising on the native like app performance.


Frameworks We Use

React Native

Leveraging React Native’s approach of using native components under the hood, rapid development of Javascript/Typescript, and structure of Reactive application, we build intuitive, high-quality, and maintainable applications which match the performance of native applications while accelerating the product’s time to market.


Using Flutter’s unique approach of natively compiled code, we build exceptional user interfaces for mobile, web, desktop, and other smart devices. Leveraging the power of developing and maintaining truly single code-base, we ship products faster and reduce the maintenance /sustenance footprint.

UX & UI Design

We focus on turning problems into meaningful, intuitive, and user-friendly UI/UX for a consistent user experience. Our user-led design approach keeps the product’s usability and users’ natural behavior in mind. We follow the industry-standard UX & UI design frameworks and processes to deliver a great product experience to the end-users

Performance Driven Engineering

To achieve the desired User Experience, our Mobile Engineers architect the application for performance, perform code profiling, and employ techniques such as data caching, background workers & multi-threading, UI layout optimization for rendering, and more.

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance teams – both Manual and Automation – have decades of collective experience in delivering high-quality products. We have a stringent QA processes and Quality Metrics tracking to ensure you release a high-quality product. Our QA Engineers are adept at working with cloud device labs such as AWS Device Farm, Browserstack et al. which makes the QA process more agile and efficient.

Collaborative Development

Our UX designers, engineers, project managers, and QAs follow efficient and collaboration practices. They work closely with cross-functional teams and take initiatives to resolve interdependencies to deliver the project in time and within the given budget.