What is Cloud Penetration Testing?

Cloud penetration testing is used to evaluate a cloud system’s strengths and weaknesses to strengthen its overall security posture. Risks, vulnerabilities, and gaps can all be identified through cloud penetration testing. Vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Determine how to make the most of any exploitation-related access.

Cloud security is a critical feature of any online computing environment. Cloud Penetration Tests aims to recognize risks and vulnerabilities on the following platforms:

  • Cloud Based Servers
  • Web Applications
  • Networks
  • Online Systems
  • Hosts
  • Network Devices (Routers, switches etc.)

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Cloud Penetration Methodology

Armorize uses widely acknowledged and tested industrial standards and frameworks to conduct cloud penetration testing. The underlying framework’s bottom layer is based on principles such as CIS Benchmarking and goes well beyond the initial framework.

The examination of vulnerabilities, which includes examining the output from various security tools and testing procedures, is part of cloud security assessment. Cloud Account Testing Methodology, Cloud Server Testing Methodology, and Cloud-Based Web App Testing Methodology are only a few of the duties that make up a cloud security assessment.

Armorize is a CERT-In Empanelled Security Auditor

We Comply with all the Top IT Security Testing Guidelines

Cloud Account Testing Methodology

The classifications of vulnerabilities that Armorize’s discursive technique for cloud penetration testing overlays are not limited. The procedure for performing Cloud Account Security Testing is as follows:

Tools Used

We make use of tools from the following (not a complete list):


The goal of the reporting stage is to deliver, rank, and prioritize all cloud security concerns, as well as present project stakeholders with a concise and actionable report that includes proof. At Armorize, we create a complete report based on significant research to give our client with a proper set of options and resolving steps. Our cloud security services are facilitated in the best interests of our clients, which are presented in every way.


Tools Used


The reporting step is intended to deliver, rank, and prioritize findings and provide project stakeholders with a clear and actionable report, complete with evidence. At Armorize, we consider this phase to be the most important and we take great care to ensure we’ve communicated the value of our cloud pentesting service and findings thoroughly.

Cloud Web Based App Testing Methodology


This is the first stage of cloud-based web app testing, when a set of procedures is used to obtain all the necessary information about the target cloud environment. The diversity of networks is investigated, as well as the detection of active hosts. Reconnaissance can be accomplished in a variety of ways, the most common of which being port scanning and the use of programs such as NetcatPreserve and ping. Getting file permission, injecting into OS platforms, acquiring user account information, and creating trust connections are some of the methodological techniques for conducting reconnaissance.

Example testing includes Conduct Search Engine Discovery and Reconnaissance for Information Leakage, Search Engine Recon, App Enumeration and App Fingerprinting, Identify app entry point.

Vulnerability Analysis

    • Configuration Management
    • Authentication Testing
    • Session Management
    • Authorization Testing
    • Data Input Validation
    • Testing for Error Handling
    • Client-Side Testing


The penetration tester examines the data gathered to launch an attack on the cloud server. Exploration for vulnerabilities is done meticulously, ensuring a higher chance of successful exploitation. This has a direct bearing on the project’s success. The pen tester employs complex techniques to gain access to sensitive data, which he then uses to carry out nefarious operations by exploiting the vulnerabilities discovered. The attack on the most privileged users, known as root, is the next phase in this process.

The pentester instigates multiple and regular interference with the compromised devices. This allows them to build backdoors within the application to gain a secondary access for executing further exploitation in future.


    • Burp suit
    • Zad Attack Proxy
    • BeEF
  • Acunetix
  • Grabber
  • SQLmap
  • Vega


The goal of the reporting stage is to deliver, rank, and prioritize findings while also providing project stakeholders with a clear and actionable report that includes proof. This is the most crucial phase for us at Armorize, and we take great care to make sure we’ve clearly articulated the importance of our cloud pen testing service and findings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Browse through the FAQs given below to find answers to the commonly raised questions related to the VAPT services

The primary objective of cloud penetration testing and security asessment is to identify exploitable vulnerabilities in cloud-based servers, web applications, networks, systems, hosts, and network devices (ie: routers, switches, etc.) before hackers are able to discover and exploit them. Cloud security testing will reveal real-world cloud security threats that may enable hackers to compromise cloud-based systems, servers, and web applications. These vulnerabilities can provide hackers with unauthorized access to sensitive data or even allow them to take over systems for malicious/non-business purposes.

Strengthening cloud Security includes securing the respective firewalls, tokenization, avoiding public internet connections, cloud penetration testing, obfuscation, and virtual private networks (VPN). Cloud security is a major form of cyber security.

The aim of both cloud security testing and normal security testing is to provide maximum security to the data hosted inside. However, the conventional server includes maintenance costs, and handling the security of on-premise servers/applications can get tricky at times. Having cloud Infrastructure is more scalable, faster, and more cost-effective. A cloud approach may be the better solution.

Cloud Server testing includes testing for account permissions, applications, services, files, directories, and partitions as well as testing for policies, open ports, server certificates, network security settings, network access controls, auditing and logging, users, groups, system updates, and patches.

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