Do you have a fantastic app idea that will revolutionize learning for the next generation of students and talent? Discover how you can give add a digital edge to your education style, with smart mobility solutions for simplified learning.

No student or teacher or industry has the same approach to learning, which means that the method of imparting education also cannot be the same. With an extensive portfolio of simple, on-demand education apps from Armorize Technologies, discover how you can facilitate the fast and widespread dissemination of skills and knowledge.

Service Offerings

Leveraging advanced technologies, including Simulation-based learning, Cognitive learning, Mobile Learning, and Machine learning chatbots, or smart mobility and web solutions, are designed for simplified learning:


  • M-Learning App Development:We develop highly interactive and engaging M-Learning apps that make the learning process fun and easy
  • Custom E-Learning Web Application: Build highly responsive and tailored eLearning Web Apps to meet your end goals
  • Learning Management System (LMS):Design, manage and offer eLearning courses with our robust & flexible LMS software
  • Content Management System (CMS):Our intuitive CMS system is designed to distribute, create, edit, and publish webpage content.
  • Online Course Management:Fully customizable online course management solutions for educational institutions and non-profit organizations
  • Maintenance And Ongoing Support:Our end-to-end support and maintenance services keep your web, and mobile app stay up to date and well secured
  • AR, VR Based Education App Development:Offer immersive and interactive learning experiences by AR, VR based eLearning apps. These virtual enhancements in the real world are the perfect fit for your classroom
  • AI driven course recommendation:Suggest a custom learning profile of each student and customize the training materials for every student based on their ability and preferred mode of learning
  • On-Demand Learning App Development:Get built online video streaming, 3D book reading and video learning on-demand apps with robust admin and analytics panel
  • Education ERP Software:ERP suite for management of learning, library, hostel, fees, student info, course, inventory & purchase, and HR management