Solve business problems with strategic digital tools and accelerators from the Microsoft stack. Choose from a broad range of industry-specific app scenarios and enable positive balance sheet impact.

Service Offerings

Plant Maintenance

Efficiently maintain and track globally dispersed manufacturing units, products, and components daily

Surplus Equipment Utilization

Boost visibility and productivity of idle equipment with real-time insights into resource utilization

Packaging Line Trail

Streamline your packaging line through the power of automated workflows.

Scrap Observation

Easily and efficiently govern scrap analysis process from anywhere, with the power of automation

Fleet Management

 Easily process and analyze relevant data to improve operational efficiency & reduce TCO

Parts Service Recommendation

 Cut down on delayed approval times with automated service support

Shop-floor Asset Management

 Know where your resources are at all times with intelligent asset management

Environment, Health, And Safety – Incident Management

 Mitigate incidents in real-time and ensure greater safety for your workers

Environment, Health, And Safety – Dashboards & Reports

 Easily monitor environmental health risks and ensure compliance with granular visibility

Material Management

 Transform your material receiving management process to boost bottom-lines

Production Line Management

 Centralize total productivity management of your production lines with an app

Assembly Line Management

 Expedite and streamline assembly line management with ease for higher productivity gains

Paint Line Observation

 Automate paint line observation process for improved efficiency and reduced delays in paint jobs

Quality Management

 Maintain consistency in superior quality across your supply chain with improved time-to-market

Goods Holding System

 Better decision making with inbuilt report and analytics for an optimized inventory system

Labelling & Packaging:

 Improve packaging process time and productivity through digitized labeling and packaging management

Logistics And Distribution

 Ease the process of overseeing the movement of goods across plants and locations

Employee Onboarding

 Get a central view and control of your entire onboarding process without errors

Leave Management System

 Free up employees for high-value work with better project planning and decisions

Timesheet Management

 Ensure seamless time-sheet management and improved resource allocation with automation