We Build Enterprise Grade Applications

We design and engineer extensible, high-performance, and enterprise-grade user interfaces; scalable, fault-tolerant back-ends; and high-performance data layers.

Web Components & Micro-frontends

We build custom elements for reusability – with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of the code, making them portable and interoperable. This allows combining the power of Web Components with that of Micro-Frontends to maximize the gains achieved in modularization of your back-end code.

Progressive Web Apps

PWAs allow the ISVs and businesses to focus on the content and delivery of the experience across different platforms with significantly reduced operational overheads. We help ISVs and businesses reduce time to market, while being able to deliver engaging, responsive, high performance, offline-enabled apps through PWAs built with proven PWA frameworks.


Build scalable, maintainable, secure, and standard – GraphQL, OpenAPI Specification, OData compliant APIs using combination of web micro-frameworks, web proxies, API gateways, ORMs, OAuth/SAML providers, and load-balancers.

Edge AI – Inference & Pre-Processing

Build high-performance, low-latency AI-enabled systems through smart browser-side pre-processing of data, images, audios, videos, and browser-based machine learning inference techniques.

Real-Time Apps & WebRTC

Build high-performance collaboration – collaborative document/slide deck authoring, notes – and communication – chat and voice – applications using the real-time web stack – WebRTC, WebSockets, Firebase real-time datastore, and AWS Amplify.