Dedicated Engagement Model

Create your own project based team for evolving scope

With multiple engagement models in place, we noted a factor considered by our 3000+ clients while choosing the RIGHT MODEL. That is, how much control and understanding they have with the present scope of work. Choosing the right model via expert consultation really makes a difference, believe it or not!!

Why should you hire a dedicated team?

“Dedicated teams or HIRE Model approach in simple terms is about choosing and creating your own team to work on your software development project so that you remain focused on core business areas. You can hire them on a full time, part-time or hourly basis, from a single developer to a team of developers, that shall be working independently or in conjunction with another team(s).”

With effective collaboration, a dedicated software development team can have clear insights about the project objective. The business vision and goals about what your END users are expected to get are explained in advance along with a roadmap on project management – from the kickoff to delivery.

Numbers Speak for Themselves

IBM Study found that fuzzy business objectives, out-of-sync stakeholders, and excessive rework mean that 75% of project participants lack confidence that their projects will succeed. To add more, the report says:

  • 1 Only 2.5% companies complete 100% of their projects
  • 2 57% projects fail due to “breakdown in communication”
  • 3 Only 40% projects meet milestones, budget and quality goals

What we provide? Our Hiring Models

To meet various project needs for any size of business, Armorize offers full-time, part time and hourly hiring for dedicated development projects. Have a look at the engagement models that results in meeting various business demands.

Onsite Dedicated Team

We offer onsite staffing services for clients and businesses abroad to fill gaps in the development cycle. Our presence can be temporary, frequent or full-time during the development life cycle.

Offsite Dedicated Team

Hire your selected developers from us and kick-start your project in the fastest possible time from our development center. Have full control over the team with expert consultation via a cloud team.

Product Development Team

This is nothing but expanding your own team with our vetted experts who offer support for your product to release it successfully through coordination of tech aspects and process flow.

Onboard Process

Send us a Request

Contact us and we will get back to you instantly or within 24 hours to know about your project needs, target areas, users, tech stack and other possible nuances to come up with precise suggestions.

Custom Engagement Plan

Based on the information collected, we design the tech stack along with a hiring plan that includes details about required technical expertise and experience of your development team.

Planned Screening Tests

We look into our vast pool of talented developers to handpick the best ones for screening tests. This is to measure communication skills, problem solving ability and relevant skill set to your business idea.

Interviews/ Talent Sourcing

We forward the resumes to your notice to schedule interviews and select the best candidates. Through talent sourcing, we forward best resources via stringent coding tests after measuring their skills.

Selection & Onboarding

We sign an NDA to secure your project IP and confidential infrastructure. Once you choose the team, the kick-off immediately takes place and the project starts usually within 24-72 hours.

Quality-driven Reporting

We share daily updates via tools like Basecamp, JIRA, etc. Weekly review meetings take place to track progress & tackle bottlenecks. Monthly sessions help to introspect the work done, plan and optimize the delivery.

Escalation Process

Our escalation process is static. Project Manager is the first point of contact and if this does not work, clients can approach the Delivery Head, or may reach out to the Director of Operations for super serious matters.

Advantages! Things You Will Always Love to Have

Execution & Reporting

Stay up-to-date with status of the work and where the hours are consumed

  • Strong internal reporting format and monitoring by supervision
  • Daily summary shared with you and your team for instant tracking
  • Weekly review meeting to see the progress
  • Monthly review session for introspect the work done, plan and optimize the delivery
  • Strict NDA in place with the team members to protect unique ideas and business models of our clients.
  • Our flexible development models include a Transparent Cost structure having fixed monthly fee per resource with no hidden fees.
  • We mean when we say “100% dedicated team members”. This means no sharing of work with other projects and clients.
  • Over 50 experts with 10 years of experience drive your project with unmatched quality.
  • Replace the team member in case of efficiency issues, quality or emergency with no effect on project development cycle.
  • Upon your request, we also provide references or reviews of clients who engagedwith us on dedicated development projects.